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A BIG RANT - lemme type
15.05.2020 19:58
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Hey, so I wanted to make this rant on something that bothers me a lot on FA, that I think should stop. I think people should stop using N-word substitutes for “comedy”. One example of that is this thing, “ Ni🅱️🅱️a”, that ppl use a lot on FA. U guys might think it’s “funny” or that i’m just being sensitive, but I wanted to explain why it’s not funny, and why you should stop. ( By the way, this is directed at non-black FA users, who are the only ones I see use this.)
15.05.2020 19:59
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1.) The origin of the word + how it’s used today: You all probably know the story of the N-word. It’s a slur invented by white people in the U.S to denigrate + insult black people. It was first used against slaves. When it is said by a non-black person it still carries that same meaning, and yes it is still used against us to this day. Yes, black people use the N-word, but not in the same way. The word was reclaimed; which means they took the word that was once used against them, to dehumanize them, and transformed it into their own. The word, when said by a black person, does not have the same meaning. It now holds a sense of empowerment, in a way. Non-black users don't have the right to use this word. Whether you are a minority or not, it’s not the same. You haven’t, and won’t ever, live the same experience as a black person in the U.S. So please have some understanding, and just don’t use it.
15.05.2020 19:59
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2.) “ But we’re not saying the real word” and “it’s just a joke”: Guys, I can take a joke, when it’s funny. But this isn’t funny. Where’s the funny part? I don’t see it. Is it supposed to be funny because it’s not the full word? It doesn't matter if some letters are substituted, it’s still the same. And before people who say it say, “ it’s just edgy humor” or something of the sort, are just making excuses. It’s not funny, stop being childish. Personally, as a black FA user, seeing ppl use this just makes me uncomfortable. I ignored it at first, but I began to notice more and more ppl using it, and it bothered me a lot. If u use this, just stop. No one’s laughing. It’s not “edgy” or “cool”, it’s just insensitive and dumb. Either way, that’s my rant. U guys can tell me what you think / ur opinions on this.
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