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Storytime M8s!
22.08.2020 20:40
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22.08.2020 20:50
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So, you how in the last anim I talked about how I wasn't gonna be on today due to going on a hike? Well, I got back. Imma tell y'all abt it So, we get there in the morning. I'm pretty happy and think I'm ready for this hike. Shouldn't be too bad, right? It's probably only like- 5 miles, I've done 5 miles twice! Wrong. We set out on the trail around probably 9:15 AM, and I'm talking to my friend, we'll call her K for the remainder of this, so me and K are talking about how life has been, after all, we hadn't seen each other for at least 2 weeks. Our troop's scout master begins talking about the Civil War as we are in one of the important battlefields (Antietam Battlefield, if you're curious). We're gonna skip to lunch now, because not much happened. There's a girl in the troop who'll be called AR, and so we are talking about art and how hard hands are to draw. My feet have begun hurting at this point, but not too bad. Hurray for warm PB&J sandwiches! Me and my sister, we'll call her S, had that, pretzels, a
22.08.2020 20:58
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and granola bars. Yum, so I kinda need to use the bathroom, but figure it can wait. So we begin walking again, me almost falling. Mind you, it feels like it's 90 degrees out, and the masks we had to wear didn't help. We keep walking, and by now it's about 1:30, my feet hurt a lot. I try to ignore the fact that it feels like my feet are being stabbed, whatever. Me and K are talking while S and AR are talking. Cool, so it's now almost 3:00, me, S, and AR's feet hurt, ****, our entire bodies hurt! AR had it the worst though, so her grandmother came to get her and bring her to the parking lot where we would meet for some ice cream. S sounded like she was crying when she talked, but she was just out of breath. I have a blister (despite not knowing it yet,) and me and S continue walking until we get to the parking lot. I end up being in the very back of our group, and I am in so much pain I'm practically limping. Fun. I finally get to the parking lot and get some ice cream. I ended up getting this coffee flavored-
22.08.2020 21:02
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ice cream with chocolate in it. Not what I had planned, but ok. I'm eating and then we get home after hiking 11 miles. *inhales* 11 MILES! My feet are in pain, and I stumble through the front door and practically bolt out the door to take the dog out, mind you, my feet are killing me. I'm also dehydrated, and got HOT WATER before we came home. I end up having a blister, but I'm not allowed to put mole skin around it. So- fun. Now, did I enjoy it? Despite the pain and barely being able to breath along with the heat, absolutely.
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