- create flipbook animations online!
18.09.2022 05:56
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i f**king hate them. i f**king hate them so much. I actually WOULD enter this art contest if it wasn't for the annoying prompts and themes hats make no sense and i cant do. but now they're pretty much FORCING me to. he even THREATENED me. its not like they ever even praised my past works. once they f**kin LAUGHED AT IT. I don't even have all the freaking time, I have homework and on top of that CHINESE homework. then they expect me to get that all done in the spam of a week and do MORE for them. I DONT DRAW TO MAKE MILLIONS FOR YOU.
18.09.2022 06:01
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Then he said he would take away drawing from me if I didn't enter. How are you gonna do that, huh??? JUST TAKE AWAY MY ARTISTIC ABILITY LIKE THAT??? he said he would stop buying art supplies, ITS NOT EVEN LIKE YOU GOT ME ANY GOOD ONES, YOU GOT ME LITERAL KIDDIE PAINT. I dont even like painting, i just like drawing and for that all i need is a paper and a pencil. he said he would take away the computer from me. YOU CANT DO THAT, OR ELSE I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO ATTEND SCHOOL AND YOU CANT HOMESCHOOL ME SO I WOULD JUST BECOME A DUMB HERMIT. and they cant do that forever. after im 18, i an do what i want. what are they going to do, hold me a prisoner here? thats gonna mean more bills and taxes anyway, and i would be able to find a freakig HUSBAND for them and reproduce. but its not like I WANT one anyway. i want a girlfriend, not the f**king other way around.
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