- create flipbook animations online!
everybody's doing this lol
24.06.2020 16:16
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so why cant i?
24.06.2020 16:28
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1-Dont type on my heccing chains dude this gets really annoying sometimes, dont do it. its that simple 2-Nono words are ok its fine if you curse, i honestly dont care. FaCk 3- Its fine to get inspired but dont steal me art get inspired, just credit me and dont steal art or designs or like- my art style. its really personal to me and im proud of it, i get it if you have allready had a similar style before you saw my art or when you were designing it you didnt have my art in mind but ripping of the way i draw isnt cool dude 4-Dont advertise on my anims oh boy is it annoying when i see an anim thats attached to a comment for the purpose of getting ppl to go look at it. unless i ask for ppl to advertize, just dont do it. 5-English and spanish are fine, nothing else tho pls i speak fluent English, and understand the basics of Spanish and have google translate for anything else but i would prefer if you just kept it to Inglés or Español pls(mores code is also fine too tho)
24.06.2020 16:38
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6-Dont say anything rilly offensive like i said before, cursing is fine(the n-word and the f word that rhymes with bag is not tho and if you say that i will delete everything you have said on my account ever and not talk to you again) anything racist,sexist or homophobic said on any of my anims will e deleted and so will all the comments that the sayer has ever said on my acc 7-Dont be a butthole its pretty simple, dont be a dick 8-Dont ask/beg me to draw you unless im sayig "oh who wants fanart/a pfp it is really annoying when this happens. some drama happend a while back where a troll asked a person with a ton of followers to draw them so they drew their oc stabbing the troll. not good. dont do it 9-dont like my otas and leave this can really hurt me when i spend a lot of time on an ota and i find out that people have aknowlaged it but arent offering for it, i make these because i want ppl to be happe and it really puts me down when this happens.
24.06.2020 16:46
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10-Just cos i made something for someone cos they said they like my art/animation does not mean that if you say that i will automatically make you something if you complement my art I know this is a lot but i would really apreceate it if you followed these rules(i may add more on in the future) if you break any of these rules i will politley ask you to unfollow me, delete all you comments on my most recent anims, and delete any comments you make in the future on my anims. and if you think that you can get away with me forgeting that you ever broke any rules, i am keeping a private anim with the usernames of anyoe who broke these rules
24.06.2020 16:47
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and its right here >:)
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