- create flipbook animations online!
stuff that happened
23.02.2023 17:45
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so my moms a lesbian okay? everyone might be like thats cool! and me being pretty afraid of men it really is. but my mom and her girlfreind were fighting last night and i went out to give my mom a hug (this was at around 11:45 at night) and she yelled at me to go to my bedroom so i went away crying because i dont like yelling her girlfreind was comforting me. i was in my room and she took my phone because i was reading webtoon and that made me panic because i dont want her going through it she threw it on her bedroom floor and almost broke it the back off the phone was almost off thank god i fixed it but she keeps hitting me and making me wear short sleeves wich are showing myself harm scars and i like covering myself since i was raped twice (first in third grade and second in fith) she then goes on to call me a slVt and tell me to dress more covering like i f#cking try i try to please her but she dosent accept it the nicest thing she has done is maybe get me two cats but its hard taking care of them-
23.02.2023 17:50
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-because she dosent help she maybe gets my sister to clean out the cat litter thats only because we have four cats but anyway she also got two dog and thats okay execpt i already she will get rid of them because thats all she f#cking does she is ruining my mental health i cant go to a counsler and i want to go the mental hospital again she keeps talking to me about puberty and making it awkward she dosent care my principal and teacher both said "i wouldnt be suprised if that girl got held back another two years.." i litterally heard that while looking at them and cried my freind defended me i hate this school i hate my freinds i hate my mom i hate my house i hate my body i hate my stuff i hate my peers i hate my principal i hate the food i hate eating i hate feeling this way i hate feeling like i want to die every fuvking day i hate how im so open and i fvcking hate how everybody can push mearound and act like im just a puppet i feel used and mistreated unwanted i wasnt even supposed to be born? idk anymore
23.02.2023 17:51
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my principal also said "GIRL" like they know my fvcking pronouns
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