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Diary Entry 2
23.09.2023 18:49
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So nice
23.09.2023 18:52
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Diary Entry 2: Don't know what to write about for today's entry, I guess I've been trashing or deleting old post on this site of mine, most of them were questionable, terrible, weird, and mostly uncomfortable. I genuinely apologize to the old moots here that still stay and got reminded of some cursed and non crap-posting post when I was like- 12 I think, man it's so long too. I was 12 when I came here for the first time how time flies, now I'm like 19 now and I'm into my second year of college, crazy I know. I don't think anything changed besides my fashion taste, WAIT DID I HAVE A PICK ME PHASE?? Oh noooo LMFAOOOO damn that's crazy, but I think my music taste a little bit too, I'm also into different games now? Like Project Sekai and HSR, and no I still love Pokémon to the max. I wonder how Kitty and Uni are doing, hopefully doing good and well. Ohh yeah Devinception and some others, ehh I think they're doing good, I hope- I mean as nothing bad happens to them. Let's put that aside I wanna talk about my ocs
23.09.2023 18:58
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My art improved so much that I just candy whirled my old ocs into new ones (*The term Candy Whirl is a wrestling term! And oh my goodness if I get into wrestling one day, I have to do the Candy Whirl >w<) I'm planning to redesign some more ocs once I get back to trashing or deleting old post and after that I'll pick some ocs I wanna redesign, oh my goodness- that reminds me THE ROLEPLAYS AUGHH!!! There were so cringe back then LOL I'm going to delete some roleplay posts because jesus, there are so uncomfortably nsfw and I was a kid back then???? Yeah paying for some expensive therapy again won't hurt (it will hurt my card.) Though it was kinda a way for me to be friends I think, who knows I don't remember much and probably still won't even if I get sudden wave of nostalgia and embarrassment, it's weird and I don't think I'll roleplay ever again lol (maybe but not rn :3). Anyways about my college, I'm doing good and my grades are pretty decent, top notch if you will. Thank goodness it's a community college-
23.09.2023 19:05
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because if it was uni or something else I would've died then and there, and besides I really like my college on how you can add classes, and thank god I have the power to be in only one class, it helps me since I'm neurodivergent and it won't over stimulate me with stress so thank god, other than that I've been taking a lot cooking lessons by myself because I stand. Idk, I've been making sunny side eggs, scrambled too, I've been making some seasoned vegetables that taste like chicken, and no I'm not bound veganism >:(, oh yeah I can make japanese curry too huh, but Indian curry is better in my opinion, it has more savory taste than sweet. I also had taiyaki for the first time too, custard filling and it's so top notch, I could've gone for the nutella filling but maybe next time, ooh maybe red bean mmmm- okok I should probably end this entry soon. But honestly- thank god none of my in real life mutuals are not here, some are allowed if they want too but the rest?? Nu uhh.. they would probably end my life lol
23.09.2023 19:06
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and it's a good thing that they're aren't here lol, anyways, TLM is done writing *P.S. note ; One of the supido remixes called 'Wait a Minute' is so good, I'm not a hopeless romantic it's just I like songs that make me happy <333
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