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The story's done
07.06.2019 00:14
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Helena sat awake, hearing a crashing noise on her door," oh no" she thought, "I'm alone, right?" she asked herself, she grabbed her pocket knife, hiding under her bed.hearing footsteps "It's me,Faith...Helena do you remember me?" "Oh god no,nononono, "Helena thought, sweating more, almost throwing up at the thought of...her.Helena sat awake, hearing a crashing noise on her door," oh no" she thought, "I'm alone, right?" she asked herself, she grabbed her pocket knife, hiding under her bed.hearing footsteps "It's me,Faith...Helena do you remember me?" "Oh god no,nononono, "Helena thought, sweating more, almost throwing up at the thought of...her.footsteps echoed through the hallway,almost getting Helena to cry,she held her feet in,making sure they didn’t stick out from under the bed,time went slow”come out!~”Faith said,getting closer to her hiding spot,Helena held her knife close,She could see Faith’s feet from under the bed,she got quiet,Faith slid her blade under the bed,hitting Helena’s foot,cuttin
07.06.2019 00:14
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-g off piece,She tried not to scream,the blade moved,taking it out from under”seems she’s not there.”Faith said,deciding to walk off,she left the house,quick as lightning,like a flash,she was gone,Helena let out a gasp for air,and a quiet cry,coming out of hiding...little did she know,Faith was watching.she grabbed the blade,and quickly sat outside of Helena’s kitchen window,glaring,huge grin,Helena walked in the kitchen,quickly,she made sure the doors were locked,calling Cindy,told her what was going on,firstly Cindy asked “are you alone in the house?” Helena replied”yeah”she took her eyes off of H e r for a split second “oh god!she’s at the door.” Cindy asked again”are you sure your alone?” Helena said again,sweating”yeah..” “oh god,oh god,Faith’s shaking her head no,still grinning””...I think..” “she can hear us..” “she’s saying..I’m not alone-” she screamed,feeling a sharp stab in her shoulder..Faith..it was cold,empty...simply,the end of all things
07.06.2019 16:02
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Good story
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