- create flipbook animations online!
cleverbot follower special
29.08.2021 23:46
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i'll go on vocaroo record while talking to cleverbot- letss goooooo
30.08.2021 00:22
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so i was reading both what i typed and what cleverbot said me: "okay lets do this, oh my god. ok..? Cleverbot: how are you? me: "i am good now i have to type it." cleverbot: glad to hear that *think about it* cleverbot : so what now? me: "i typed in same because i don't know" cleverbot:ok me: "im clicking on think about it" *think about it* cleverbot: what is your name? me: . . . cleverbot:MM me: "*laughs* the thoughts so far- wai what the heck? what the heck!? no! no.., oh /o\.. come on.." *think for me* cleverbot: i like you me: "ok.." *laughs a little* cleverbot: do you like me to? me: "sure" *laughs* cleverbot: ok *think about it* cleverbot: im happy me: "okie" cleverbot: right *think about it* cleverbot: what do you eat? me: "stuff" cleverbot: what kind of stuff? me: "uhm food?", "uh lets see what he says after food- cleverbot: what is your favorite food? me: "im just going to type avocados" cleverbot: what is your favorite drink? me: "i don't know?" cleverbot: are you s
30.08.2021 00:43
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-uperior me: "don't know about that?" cleverbot: do you know about god? me: "yes", "i-i said yes" cleverbot: what do you know about god? me: "he made the world?" cleverbot: fail *think for me* cleverbot: what is a top class level rank? me: "think for me" *think for me* cleverbot: i don't know do you know? me "nope" cleverbot: and do you have a girlfriend? me: "no" cleverbot: do you want? me: "i don't know" cleverbot/Ben?????: Alex who do you want to date? me: "dude, dude, dude, dude!, dude! ???: "what?" me: "who the heck is alex?" me: "dude get over here", "whos alex?" *laughs* is he from the story!? ???: "Alex was the creator of the story" me: OHHH!! that's said (don't know why i said that -__-) ???: i don't know about you bruh but i'm leaving, don't post that thing *my name* me: "i know" cleverbot: do you want to date? me: "no" cleverbot: so you do? me: "no i don't" cleverbot: yes you do me: *laughs* "he says i want to date!!! but i don't!", "nope/no i don't" cleverbot: why n
30.08.2021 01:02
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-ot? *think for me* cleverbot: cause i don't need sleep me: "ok..?" cleverbot: haha me: "what?" cleverbot: nothing me: "ok", "so i guess i got a conversation with him TvT" cleverbot: what are you doing right now? *le gasp* me: "oh my god..." (._.) "nothing" cleverbot: what are you doing? me: "think for me, i am not getting away from this yet!" *think for me* cleverbot: what is a top level password? me: "fu-" cleverbot: you know what? can you entertain me?" "i don't know if i can!" me: "ok" *laughs* cleverbot: what is you secret ninja code name? me: "i don't have one" cleverbot/Ben??????: so what IS your name? *le gasp* me: "..." cleverbot: ok, true enough me: oh my god.. cleverbot: i never said anything about that *think for me* cleverbot:no not really me: *sighs* "oh my god.." cleverbot: Dora The Explorer me: "wha- no cleverbot: too boring for me me: "i know" cleverbot: you don't me: "ok.?" cleverbot: i don't know goodbye then me: "ok?" --continue next comment--
30.08.2021 01:10
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cleverbot: so what do you like to do me: "ok first he says 'goodbye' now he says 'what do you like to do?' me: "uhm... i like to go on the internet" *laughs a little* cleverbot: do you live on the internet? me: "no" *sighs* cleverbot: then where do YOU live? me: . . . cleverbot: Anglia me: *pronounces it wrong* (so sry if your name is Anglia!!) "Angila, Angli- dude -_- oh my god.." me: *erases conversation* "new conversation".., "ok i think thats enough for today-"
30.08.2021 01:12
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https://voca.ro/1mAtsmr0CeuA thank you for over 60+ followers!! (i don't know anything about creepypasta ik names of creepypasta not there backstory im not rly a fan of creepypasta and so sry if this does offend anyone if it does i will take this down as soon as i can) other than that thank you guys!!!!
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