- create flipbook animations online!
🥵🏉🤳 (Story For School
02.10.2022 18:51
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Okay, so the emojis.. I can explain XD They were randomly picked, and that was thanks to my older sister, who gave the idea of picking 3 random emojis, and writing about them
02.10.2022 18:55
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I drew this because I could turn in a drawing for the story, too! Pretty cool, eh? Well, I think so XD Anyway, here's the story! Titled: "Floating football"
02.10.2022 18:55
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Mack looked at the desert ahead, his friends’ laughter echoing behind him. He took a glance at his phone on the dashboard. “200 more miles to go”, it read. He groaned, they would never make it to the festival in time. It seemed like they all had been driving for forever already. Mack felt hopeless, and because of this, frustrated, he decided to have a little bit of his own fun. “Mario Kart, anyone??” Mack declared, swerving without permission. “What do you think you’re doing, get back on the track!” Ignoring Tiffany’s yelp, Mack continued his rowdy actions, despite hearing his other friends, Jackie, and Phillip, screaming as well. Suddenly, the car started slowing down. “What’s going on with the car?” Phillip questioned. Sooner than they expected, the car stopped. “Great, now look at what you’ve done,” Tiffany angrily exclaimed.
02.10.2022 18:56
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As everyone piled out of the car, Tiffany shot an irritated look towards Mack. “Hey, maybe the car needs beans,” Jackie retorted. “Anyone have a can of ‘refried’?” Mack turned to Jackie, confused. “Huh?” Tiffany rolled her eyes, as Jackie explained. “You know, beans have gas, the car needs gas.. Oh, forget it.” With Phillip laughing, the friends began their journey across the desert, leaving the car behind. “Ugh, it’s like 1,000,000 degrees out here, man!” Jackie complained. Everyone was sweating, and Jackie made a good point. They didn’t even have a source of easy transportation. “So much for those ice packs they gave you in school,” Phillip stated. “They weren’t so helpful for injuries, but I could really use one about now!” Trudging along, everyone started to lose patience, with the sun slow cooking the group.
02.10.2022 18:57
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“I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!” Tiffany grumbled. “Hey, would you eat football, too?” Mack suggested, his foot behind a golden, elongated ball. “I know I wouldn’t,” Jackie replied. He picked up the ball and studied it carefully. “But you never know what it may do!” Rubbing the football like a magic lamp, Tiffany ignored his antics, but Mack and Phillip were drawn to this idea Jackie thought up of. “Maybe you’re right..” Mack gullibly believed. “Are you really going to take his word for it? Someone could have just kicked the football this far!” Tiffany protested, snatching the football out of Jackie’s possession. As if the football was actually suffocating from Tiffany’s grip, it flew out of her hands to breathe in some fresh air. Everyone got startled; it was quite obvious that nobody had ever seen a football move by itself. “We need to get out of here. Forget the football.” Tiffany exhaustedly said. As she said this, the football acted nothing like the sport ball it was.
02.10.2022 18:57
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Listening to Tiffany, the football picked her up, and started to hover in the air. “Hey, don’t forget about us, too!” Mack shouted, grabbing onto Tiffany’s leg. The rest of the friends held on tightly to each other, and everyone started to fly through the air. “This is a miracle!” Tiffany gleefully cried. Jackie was pretty excited, too. “This is awesome! I wouldn’t mind missing the festival! In fact, this calls for a celebration!” Jackie pulled out his phone, and started to record on only three percent battery. Mack was thrilled, but Phillip however, wasn’t too delighted. “Don’t get too used to it! I really hope this ends soon.. Or now!” Whipping through the air like a helicopter, thirty minutes later, they arrived at their destination.
02.10.2022 18:58
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The football dropped to the ground, and everyone fell on top of each other. Recovering from their nonexistent injuries, once the four were up and ready to go, the golden football deflated. “Impressive,” Tiffany let out. With the football laying still, all four friends made their way to the entrance of the festival. On the outside, it looked glorious. But once they entered, it came to their surprise that it wasn’t exactly how the event was described. Phillip pulled out the map. “What a ripoff!” The inside looked really empty, as if someone had moved out, or was moving in. There were boxes scattered everywhere, and there were very few people. “Where are all the streamers, balloons, and attractions?” Jackie hollered. “That’s advertising, for you,” Mack knowingly shook his head. The friends felt like they were out of luck.
02.10.2022 18:58
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Looking back at the fake advertisement, and remembering what he’d done with the car, Mack found a way to make everything right. “Wait. What if we made a party of our own? We could host, invite some friends, and it wouldn’t be such a disappointment, like this place?” Phillip, Jackie, and Tiffany looked at each other, smiled, and looked back at Mack, hopeful again. “Let’s do it,” Jackie announced, now very confident of this plan. “Sounds like a deal!” Phillip rejoiced. Tiffany agreed, too. “Alright! But, how are we supposed to get home?” In silence, the four friends thought for a while. Then, Jackie went back outside, and as the rest followed, he went back to the lifeless football, and blew air into it. He then attached a band aid that was kept in his pocket, usefully. “I think I might have an idea,” Jackie held up the repaired football, and the friends waited for the ball to start flying, holding on to each other in preparation. Eventually, it did.
02.10.2022 19:01
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NOW What's your favorite part of the story? It kinda declined in quality at the end, but I tried, lol I haven't written a fictional story since 5th grade D:
02.10.2022 19:03
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(Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this was for school.. ':D)
02.10.2022 18:56
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this is really cool :0
02.10.2022 18:58
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