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valentines hero #2 heart
02.02.2019 18:02
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Backstory: There was a girl named mia she was every1s first crush but she did not want to choose just one person to be withe so very single holiday she would make cards for evry1 in the school according to the holiday. But then on on valentines eve when she was making her valentines she saw something outside it was glowing pink and white."I'll look at that when i'm done" she thought. when she went outside there was something glowing in the bush she went to the bush and saw that it was a valentines with her address on it she opened it and woke up the next day it was valentines day. she got all her valentines and she had a hunch of trouble then she saw cruh her favorite hero she went to the bathroom stall to scream then all the sudden she transformed into heart the hero. she flew and went to help crush and use her powers when she was done every1 chanted heart and crush they both went to the bathroom and tranformed back she looked at her hand and saw that there was a bracelet that said heart on it with a heart.
02.02.2019 18:06
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she has earned her powers and her hero life. she went to ahnd out valentines and the when she got to Ellie's locker she saw crush then crush transformed back into Ellie without any1 looking no1 but mia. ellie and mia became friends and partners in hero work. The End
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