- create flipbook animations online!
20.07.2020 01:10
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Ayyyyy- so this is Eden! She's a 22 yr old super sweet, college student and part time grocery store worker! She loves plants + coffee! and she's tall, 5'10!
20.07.2020 17:14
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okay first drawing. it's really nice.i also really like that sketchy kind of style. there does see, to be some lighting around the plate and mug on the right side, but it does seem to looks more shine. to make it look more like shine, you actually need to make a long line of lighting instead of small separated lines. the second drawing: so i can see you did that sketchy style again. but i feel like it does make it a little harder to read when it comes to humans and such when in this style. i'm not sure if it's suppose to be just a small sketch or a full on effort kinda thing but even then, even if you do want to keep the sketch, maybe just clean it up just a little. her nose and mouth are not aligned with each other. and her left shoulder is longer than her right shoulder. and also, if you really want to get good practice with anatomy, you should really try drawing more than just up to the bust. and hey if you really want to just do the bust, then lower down the drawing and make it bigger to fit the canvas.
20.07.2020 17:18
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because it does make it look a little awkward when it's just floating in the air. also the shine in the hair does seem to look a little harsh. by the looks of it, it seems that you've used the paint roller. maybe just use a lighter shade of the original base of the hair instead. also for the neck shadow, you should try using a darker shade of the original base color for the skin. or if you still want to go with the black shading, then you should use a thicker pencil size to actually fill up the shade to make it look more neat.
21.07.2020 08:00
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Oh haha, the blond streaks are just rrly chunky blonde highlights in her hair. Ya know when ppl dye blonde streaks in their hair? Also this was a sketch kind of thing, I do for characters so I don’t forget them.
21.07.2020 08:00
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But thank you! ^^ I’ll sure to keep all of these tips in mind!
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