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First prize custom!!
10.02.2022 13:24
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She has lore to go with her!! She's a part of a rather obscure subspecies that live within the caves and grottos of their home planet to escape the terrible weather. They still have eyes despite being cave dwelling, and have evolved bioluminescence from a similar chemical found in the barbs of venomous guanomi, and due to this, these cave dwelling Guanomi are all venomous, their venom also holding luminescence. In light, they appear normal with the exception of their eyes, but in the dark, their bodies light up with various patterns, more skeletal patterns coming from the healers of their clans, this guanomi being the healer of hers! The task of healer is passed through generation, regardless of gender. These cave dwelling guanomi use their patterns to identify one another in the dark, and
10.02.2022 13:24
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often use their glowing venom to mark paths in the caves, so they can be traversed without light. They often build their homes in grottos and places where there are holes in the roofs of their caves, so they may rest where there is still some natural light during the day. Healers of these clans often use bones and various herbs found in and around their caves, and often grow their own herbs in their homes. You may change their gender if you like (though I'd prefer you keep their sex as female) and pick a name for them! Also this bioluminescent cave dwelling subspecies is closed, you have to get one through an adopt or special custom like the first and second contest winners got.
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