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Read The Story I'm Making! ⬇
02.01.2020 23:48
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Just some info before I start: This is a mini project, it's not SUPER long or anything. Tell me what you think! Tell me if you want me to animate it! (I probably will anyways but- meh. I might not depending on this.) This is about 2 youtubers mainly. This is all dedicated for them. (So yes, this is fan fic) it's about H2ODelirous (the pshycopath) and Vanoss (that other guy! ) and ...well...you'll see what happens! Enjoy! ❤️
02.01.2020 23:53
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-It was a normal day in GTA5 and H2ODelirious was just waiting for the perfect time to get Vanoss.- -Vanoss had been just taking a stroll....waiting for h2odelious to pop out like every other morning. He finally got use to the dying and respawning every morning. No matter how much he wanted to grab his rocket launcher and shoot him in the balls.- -H2ODelirious saw him walking down the sidewalk and he jumped around the corner, knife in hand, silently giggling to himself.- -Vanoss decided to just walk by, not caring of the death.- "AHA!!!" -Delirious said while jumping out and stabbing him in the back- -Vanoss coughed and fell to the floor.- "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! TAKE THAT VANOSS!!!!!" -Delirious Screamed- -after a few seconds of laughing...delirious realised Vanoss hadn't respawned yet...usually he would respawn and stab him back or something like that....depended on his mood...- "Heh....Vanoss?" -he looked around- "Vanoss???"
03.01.2020 00:00
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"VANOSS?!?!" -He shouted out- ...did I REALLY kill him...!?!? Please respawn Vanoss...... -after a few moments...Vanoss still didn't come back...Delirious started sobbing scared he lost his best friend forever... he curled up into a ball and cried hard....- -Vanoss jumped the corner and scared the Delirious!- "I DIDNT MEAN TO! IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO KILL HIM! IM SORRY IM SORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY-" -Delirious had his hands on his head rocking back and forth- -Vanoss was extremely confused -! He put his hands on delirious- "Hey! Delirious! It's me! Vanoss! What's wrong!?!?" -Delirious looked up and Vanoss saw his tears running down his mask..Vanoss was in shock- "V-v-Vanoss!?" -Delirous stuttered, he thought he was dreaming- "Yes! It's me! What's going on!?" -Vanoss asked him- "Y-you weren't r-r-respawning!!!" "Oh...I did...I got spawned a bit farther away this time...! It's okay! I'm fine!" -Vanoss gave a gentle smile to delirious- -Delirious looked at him, and slapped him hard-
03.01.2020 00:03
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"DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!! YA HEAR ME!? NEVER. AGAIN." -he shouted at him, wiping his tears- -Vanoss was in shock at first, he rubbed his slapped cheek.- "Okay delirious..." -Vanoss decided to be nice, knowing how much pain delirious was in. Vanoss spent the rest of the day trying to make him happy again.- THE END. 💙❤️
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