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insert baddie emoji
10.10.2023 22:41
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If you arent having a good day (like me) Just know you’re not alone. And that there are ppl in this world that would do whatever it takes to see you happy n smiling like a lil silly again. @overthinker (pppsssttt you know who you are) i hope you know you didnt say or do anything wrong, and the fact that you think so means you care alot, now, would someone cares alot be more likely to do something wrong (NOO!! DUH!!) Ir you’re unmotivated and have stuff to but dont want 2 bc you kinda dont feel like it, take. baby . steps. Write a list, complete one activity at a time, handle the small ones so you can do the big ones,,,make sure to take breaks.. ALSO IF YOURE TIRED/SLEEP DEPRIVED 4 THE LOVE OF GOD GO TO SLEEP Lets be honest guys, sleep is a BIG factor to the start of poor mental health, please take the time to take your naps after all important things are done And most of all some time for yourself dude, like spend at least an hour not worrying about family or friends for once.
10.10.2023 22:42
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And please remember that you’re not alone, no matter what or who tells you. Let me repeat that, !!YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND PEOPLE LOVE YOU!! ITS OKAY NOT TO FEEL GOOD AND ITS OKAY TO VENT TO THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE AND TRUST!!!!! Its OKAY to feel low and upset, it’s NOT OKAY when people regect/brush-off your feelings and say it’s wrong or no valid. Like bruv **** them fr!! Honestly, if your worried abt being judged just know that there is atleast someone SOMEONE IN THIS WORLD WHO WILL LOVE AND ACCEPT YOU!!! I feel so bad for those who havent found that person but i promise they. Are. out. There.
10.10.2023 22:42
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Also if your stressed, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, remember that you’re only one person bruv, no matter what you have going on. Break down your issue into bits and pieces and do what you can to solve/stop those smaller issues. Whether it’s hw,,,,a test,,,,a friend,,,a lover/partner,,,your parents. Dude you are not perfect, lets face it and you are no where NEAR perfect, and will never be, and you know what!?? THATS OKAY!! ITS OKAY TO HAVE FLAWS AND ISSUES, but remember, all problems can be solved, somehow, just give yourself some healthy time to figure it out. All remember to drink water and take a second to breathe every once in a while dude, even if you dont think you need to, just do it. Anyways thanks for listening to my rant about amature mental health advice.
10.10.2023 22:42
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i needed this reminder, tysm mia
10.10.2023 22:43
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yw pookie
10.10.2023 22:46
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