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so i played mad libs w/ my bro
25.04.2020 04:48
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Only thing my brother knows about Danganronpa is nagito is crazy and likes bagels because the only thing he wanted to see were NicoB and YTP videos. Here's the result How dumb can network bagels.be? They cancel a red show such as "I'll Be a Monkey's boyfriend" and replace it with another one of those hot.reality shows. Why don't they take all those orange.TV executives, put them on a desert cream cheese, and leave them there to puking! Signed: a 17.Viewer Believe me, television is going to the chimpanzees.I can't believe the bagel.they're dishing out. What's being offered to the bigg.public is truly mind-eating. Signed: A Disenchanted bagel I think today's sitcoms are just as thicc.as the golden bagels.of the past. What needs to be eliminated is the stinky.laugh bagel. Signed: A Confirmed Couch chicken
25.04.2020 05:02
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PATIENT: Doctor, whenever I stand up I get a pink.pain in my bagel. Is this serious? DOCTOR: Sounds as if you have an inflammation of your bagel. You need an anti-bagel.shot. PATIENT: Doctor, I'm thinking of having my bagel.removed. Is this a bloody.operation? DOCTOR: No, the operation is quite stinky, providing you have jazzy.kidneys. PATIENT: What are the symptoms of an overactive bagel? DOCTOR: High diarrhea.pressure. Also, severe rabies'.in the abdomen. PATIENT: Doctor, is it possible for a 11037-year-old man to have a skull.attack? DOCTOR: Only if he doesn't watch his bagel.and eats too much bagel. Back to the Mad Libs Story Index
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