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Luca and Ramiel
24.12.2018 03:31
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Luca and Ramiel have been mates for a very long time. Xivis, Ramiel's mother, was always busy with helping the leader of the clan and barely ever saw him. Ramiel naturally became more isolated, more desperate. Luca was on of the few kitten brave enough to sit next to him during meals and around bonfires. They quickly grew close and formed a bond. However, Ramiel relies on Luca very much. if Luca were to leave, Ramiel would fall apart, he would lash out. Luca isn't just his love, he's his stability. Have the much on one person is stressful. Ramiel gripped onto Luca through everything, so much so that it didn't matter what anyone else needed, even Luca. Their relationship is unfortunately not a happy one. Ramiel is controlling and can be harsh, condescending without even realizing it. However, Luca doesn't want to lose him and truly believes that Ramiel can become better with a little support. He's willing to stick through this bad point in order to reach a place of peace. It's a struggle to say the least.
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