- create flipbook animations online!
its career day at me school
07.02.2020 15:44
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Basically IDK if other people do this, but a bunch of kids' family members that have certain jobs come to our school and stay in our gyms, and we all go in there for 40 minutes with paper to ask and answer questions, but the best part is the free stuff they give. Some just let you take it while others only ask for you to ask them a question to get a thing, like a pencil or sometimes a fidget spinner. THIS TIME, however, there was a freaking HELICOPTER PILOT. And 5 minutes before we left for the gym, some kid pointed out the window and we saw the man just parking the helicopter on the large area we have where Cross COuntry used to do their practice. It was great but I was almost late to class because we couldn't go see it until the last minute, so my friend and I just sprinted back and managed to get into class before people noticed we were late. Worth it tho.
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