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Venting about the Phandom
06.01.2018 15:07
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I reeeeaaallly need to vent about this and come up with the proper answer of what people should think on it cause everything about it has gone too far but i love the phandom but i hate it at the same time but i'm not allowed to leave it but i don't want to leave it but i do want to leave it but it's like a cult but it's amazing and life changing but i can't stand it but i love it I just- ahhhh
06.01.2018 15:19
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Okay, starting with the shipping. Please stop it. It might be real, it might not be, deal with it and stop trying to make them make it real. They can do whatever they want, and personally from that interveiw I agree with them that you shouldn't put your relationships out on the internet and should keep them private. Even, if they are dating, why are people overreacting? they are cute together as boyfriends and best friends, so either way you should be happy over both. And ships for real people are horrible! you are allowed to ship fictional characters, not real life people! They actually have says on the matter and feeling about this! it's just heartless to ship real people! Unless they have said that they are dating or married, then you have no right to ship them! It's just rude and selfish! *sighs* now that that is off of my chest, we should go to the shippers, not the actual ship.
06.01.2018 15:27
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it's sad that most people don't join the phandom because of shippers. so many people are missing out because of shippers, and it's sad and upsetting, but it honestly has gotten better. The shippers have been slowing down. A lot of them are stopping putting their opinions about it on the internet which is good. I mean, we all have the right to put our opinions out, but this is their thing to decide. If you want to ship them you can, but keep it to yourself. please. A lot of people have actually started doing that, which is great! The phandom is getting better, don't miss out just cause you don't like shippers. shippers are in every fandom. It's just (sadly) the way it is. There are way to many reasons people ship them, too. We get it, Dan is bisexual, that does not immediatly mean there is proof they are dating. Heck, no one even knows what gender or genders Phil likes, so that destroys that as proof. (continued)
06.01.2018 15:36
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Yes, they do a few suspicious things sometimes which make us a bit confused, but friends after a while get weird. My friends and i have known each other since we were little and are reeeeaaallly weird and talk on a personal level that only we really understand cause it's stuff we know about each other. Also, i tell my girl friends i love them every day, I'm a girl, that doesn't mean we are dating. I love them as friends. Dan and Phil love each other as friends. Unless they actually come out and say they are dating then don't ship them. please. I just had to vent. I'm done now. No one is gonna survive reading this
06.01.2018 16:16
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i understand everything. i'm one of those people who are in the Phandom, but aren't at the same time i guess i'm just.. lightly in the Phandom? and the reason for that being is, i don't want to get overloaded with shippers because I DONT ship them. they're just friends. people need to learn to understand that
06.01.2018 16:59
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Ikr. I mean, there is a possibility they ARE dating, but that is a possibility with anyone. Also, if they are, they can do what they want, people should respect that. That's the main thing, most people want them to date so much when it is their choice to make, not the fans.
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