- create flipbook animations online!
New series thing
18.12.2017 22:36
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I'm starting a new book/ animated series. I'm going to be animating little clips from it here, but i will post chapters on youtube, that is if i go through with it. I have to write the first few chapters or even the first book before i can start the animation chapters and clips. I have actual voice actors and stuff (just a few of my friends, i only have four out of six voice actors though) and the animations will be long and move a lot, so it will take some time, maybe even all of this year and next year, but i will try and go through with it. Idk if i will actually start it or not, but i will try to either way.
18.12.2017 22:44
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The series is called 'Mission Blue J'. It shows one thing that each OC is constantly going through but is hiding (such as Mask's Immortality which we all think is a gift but makes him even more suicidal and depressed knowing that he has to live with himself and everything he does wrong no matter what, Mask's face under the mask which makes him feel ugly and that he has to cover it, the crimes he has committed which he now has to live with, etc., it all leads to his suicidal thoughts and depression, which because they are all connected to the main character, Blue J, represents her depression and suicidal thoughts, which since she is my avatar represents my secret depression and secret suicidal thoughts) and how it all adds up to the main character, who represents me. It's somewhat of a mystery/ horror series.
20.12.2017 01:12
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i think it's interesting! most of the time when i want to do something, in never do, whether it be i haven't the right materials, people, or i'm just too lazy to even start, let alone finish. but, i think you should try. not saying you have to, but try. maybe it's something you'd enjoy doing, even make a career out of it. what do i know, though? i'm just sharing thoughts :/
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