- create flipbook animations online!
@KTW (Title in comments)
01.03.2019 00:40
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y e s
01.03.2019 00:41
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This is for her Dystopian, Post-Apocolyptic AU. Name : Finley Age : She probably forgot Weight : Light, but not extremely light Height : Fun Sized (Short.) Sexuality : Homosexual Sex : Female Gender : Gender Non-Binary (But is fine with She/Her pronouns) Mental : Not Well, not very open about it however. Atk : 70/100 Def : 35/100 Sp : 90/100 Endurance : 92/100 Likes : Mechanics (Not building, but repairing),fighting (Though they aren't good at it), exploring, bugs, science and trying to find flowers and stars. Dislikes : Her eyes (Usually hides them with her hood), Reminders of before the whole thing started, The thought of killing (zombie or not), her group -one person in it(She kinda has to stick with them cause shes weak on her own) Good traits : Good Intentioned, Kind, hard-working (not like it pays off), and obedient (for now.. MUAUAHAHHAHA- I mean what) Bad traits : Finds it hard to stick up for herself, sensitive, not very trusting, soft spot for everything, weak, quiet and em
01.03.2019 00:49
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The fox on her shoulder : Name : Charlie Age : 3-4 months old Weight : Weightless Height : 1'6 Sexuality : He's figuring it out. Sex : Male Gender : Cisgender Mental : Better than alright. Can't really grasp the seriousness of the situation they're in. Atk : 21/100 Def : 90/100 Sp : 3/100 Endurance : 14/100 Likes : Being with Finley, helping Finley fix mechanical stuffs, watching Finley train, Basically Finley overall. (I'll say why in a bit) Dislikes : Finleys group, and other zombies. Good traits : Doesn't bite, loyal and agile. Bad Traits : Zombie, mischievous at times, and can't attack for the life of him.
01.03.2019 00:56
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[ How Finley and Charlie met ] Finley and her group were walking in the forest. Finley held up her pipe at the slightest sound of a bush rustling. "Stay aware, guys." The tallest of them said. "We don't know who to trust." Suddenly, they heard a twig snap. Everything froze. Finley truly felt like she were to die in those few moments. As a small figure came from the darkness, the group rose their weapons, Finley behind them. Charlie popped out of the bushes, hopping in circles and yipping playfully. He was a pale green, one eye gone with a X in its place. The tallest screamed "ZOMBIE!" And loaded his gun in order to shoot it. Finley, once noticing the animal, run up to the tallest group member and shoved his gun away from the Fox. "We can't kill it! Its not hurting anyone!" Everyone had sighed. its not the first time Finley had done this. "Well, what do we do with it?" One of them said, as Finley turned to crouch down to the Fox. "I'll keep it under my watch. I think I'll name you.. Charlie." Finley sa
01.03.2019 01:01
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said, booping the nose of the pale greenish fox, making him sneeze twice. Finley laughed a quiet, yet sweet laugh, almost giving off a scent of the foods they used to be so close to, now so far away from. The group kept moving, as Finley picked up Charlie and put him on her shoulder. "You're safe now! They can't hurt you." She said to him, petting his soft, fluffy head. Charlie shook his head and yipped, maybe a bit too loud- as the group turned around to tell Finley to hurry up, they noticed a few zombies crawling from in between the trees. Finley raised her pipe to her chest, frightened. Charlie whimpered in fear, crawling into Finleys hood and hiding. Finley took a deep breath, noticing a familiar face in the crowd. /Its too late for them./ She thought. /It has to be this way./ Soon, she started hitting and knocking down the zombies in her path, She finished at the familiar face she remembered. A girl from the normal school she went to before.. this. They worked on a project once. She and Finley got along
01.03.2019 01:03
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perfectly, but never had time to hang out. She was in a position to smash the pipe through her head, the pipe behind her head in anticipation. She was there, sitting on top of the Zombie. The zombie accepting its fate, closed its eyes. Finley sighed, looking at the sea of zombies, laying. lifeless. She got up, dusting herself off, and running away, accidentally dropping a black and red hankerchief. it reminded her of the ranch she lived on before.. this. but now it was with that Zombie, and she'd soon forget.
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