- create flipbook animations online!
23.07.2018 19:32
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This is a hard one to talk about... I went to bed late after looking at gaming memes. I happened to be looking at slender. I went to sleep and had an awful dream. Keep in mind I have never seen the movie and just watched snippets of gamers playing the game. It was like an live film action movie. Two guys were trying to make a video or film of this haunted house, late at night. They had a professional camera on night vision and they were trying to unlock a door. It was everything a horror movie was. I wished I woke up right then... but I didn’t. I watched helplessly as these guys unlock the door to find a inhumanly tall.... thing.... in the middle of the living room wearing a suit. The guy who unlocked the door asked what he was doing here. Then it struck Fast as a snake it grabbed the guy and started choucking him with a tentacle. At this point the camera guy dropped the camera and the camera angle switched.
23.07.2018 19:41
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The camera guy found a hatchet, and in desperate attempt to save his friend, swung at the creature. The hatchet got stuck in its shoulder, then it turned to face him. At this point we see it’s face, or the lack of one. It was snowy white with no nose,mouth,hair, or anything. It dropped the first guy and switched its attention to the camera guy. The first guy watched in fear as the thing chocked his friend. He did not survive... the first man ran out of the house and never looked backed. Couple of months past and the first guy, who’s name is David, has moved far away from the town of the slender. But it’s been looking for him. We cut to a different scene and we see the slender looking at this little girl. She is not afraid. Walking out of a store, David sees the slender. It looks up and sees David. David runs to his apartment building with the slender walking in this graceful,yet scary stride. David lock all the doors on the first floor then hides behind a vending machine. The lights flicker, becoming d
23.07.2018 19:50
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Dimmmer. One flick out. David dares to peek around the corner. Down the hallway is the slender. With each step a light flicks out. It gets one step away form David’s hiding spot and.....stops. David sits in silence for what seem like hours till he gets the courage to peek out behind the vending machine. The slender is gone. David can’t believe what he is seeing! Until.. The slender pops out from nowhere behind David. The last light goes out when you here this blood curdling scream. Then I woke up. I was so scared. I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn’t feel safe in my room. I decided to go to my parents room like i did when I was a child. They asked me what happen. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them my dream. So I didn’t. I didn’t get a good sleep until months after that and it’s still hard to talk about. I’ve never seen a horror movie and after that, I never want to. For some people this might sound cheesy, but this really traumatized me. Thanks for reading this. And letting me expres
23.07.2018 20:13
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23.07.2018 20:18
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aa this is great! Very scary- Nightmares are a pain, but sometimes I like them?? Idk I guess I like being scared. Thank you for joining!
24.07.2018 19:13
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Your very much welcome! I figured people would be doing funny,cool, or even weird dreams so I wanted to do something different! So I did a nightmare, which are interesting to say at the least but yeah. Thank you!
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