- create flipbook animations online!
Some updates :3
12.11.2018 17:04
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Ok so... I'm sick, not super big announcement lol. Requests and collabs are open! If you would like to collab, give an idea below, and decide if you want to start it or if ou want me to start it. If you want me to start it, then give me ur email so I can PM you. If you do not have an email or do not wish to send it by email, you or I can attach the file with ufile.io when the collab part is finished. For requests, just tell me what you want drawn, if it is desired to be a drawing or animation, and if a full body or part body drawing. Big-ish News! I got a Drawn account! My name is AmethstDremurr. I will still be active on FA, but you will also see me posting on Drawn now as well. Another thing, thanks so much for 242 followers! I really appreciate all you guys and your support! <333 That's all for now! Thanks guys! <3
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