- create flipbook animations online!
12.08.2020 04:46
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Sorry about this.I'm just getting stress out and I just had to let out my emotions you don't have to read this if you don't want to it started when my best friend stop talking to me for weeks and now they haven't sent me a letter on there it's game we animal jam play wild we haven't seen each other for now a half a year last time I talk to them in person was November 16th 2019 and now it's August if I had one wish it would to be a cure for this virus were fighting.2nd helping babysitting with my older sister she the one who hasn't been getting enough sleep I've trying to help her every Monday to Friday at night she wakes up every hour check on the child and babysitting I'm worried.3rd and last hearing yelling screaming I'm a very sensitive person getting yell at or call a name will get scared and crying and I hide in my room if I get yell at or call a name until I calm down .if you read this thank you for taking time out of your day or night or evening
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