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✨ Gay in Japanese ✨
06.06.2022 17:28
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Uh- showing off my Japanese real quick, because it's been a really long time since I have...
06.06.2022 17:31
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This is actually NOT gay in Japanese- this is just the COLORS of the gay flag in Japanese 😂 Sorry if there was any confusion!~ SO er- update on how my Japanese is going, for anybody who cares... I've honestly learned a lot. I started using this app called "LingoDeer" as a second source, and bro... this app is literally amazing. I have a lot of written notes on different topics, and I've gotten through a lot. I'm not at all at a level to be able to go to Japan rn and be able to rent a house, live on my own and suffice for myself without a translator. More like- I'm able to ask where the nearest bathroom is and order a snack at the convenience store... XD
06.06.2022 17:37
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I can't say I haven't learned anything; it's more like... I've learned so much that it's hard to remember it all. I'm focusing more on memorizing Hiragana in all of its ✨ FRUSTRATING GLORY ✨ -Then I'll have to focus on its counterpart: Katakana. Because you can't have one without the other. I'm using this memorizing website that basically tests me on each syllable, and if I get it wrong, it won't give me the right answer. I HAVE to get it right to move on. 😭 Which is actually really good! I've gotten 46/46 a few times while practicing the main Kana (examples: か、は、さ、け、etc.) and now I'm onto the Dakuten Kana (More examples: が、ば、ざ、げ, etc.)~
06.06.2022 17:42
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So... yeah! Japanese has been a frustrating journey, since I started learning it back in 2021 (still can't believe it's been that long) but it's SOOO much fun, and I'm sure it'll be rewarding later on! If you're considering learning Japanese, you're currently learning it, or you DID learn it but you dropped it... LingoDeer. LingoDeer. LINGODEER!! It's been SUCH a help for me these past few months, and I have it to thank for the 16 pages of notes I have on words, verbs, grammar, and detailed sentences in Japanese! It might not sound like it, but listening to Japanese music, watching Japanese dramas- and in some cases anime can really help with your pronunciation! But please for the LOVE OF GOD- DO NOT use these as your main sources! There's so much more to understand about Japanese that you won't be able to learn with videos and anime alone! Find a main source, stick to it, jot down some notes from time to time, and WORK HARD! That's my advice! :) With that all being said... Please enjoy!~
06.06.2022 17:31
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the only word i know on here is "red"
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