- create flipbook animations online!
I’m not coming back…
22.11.2023 10:47
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I will probably not post again. I had a lot of fun on this site when i first found it and learned a lot. However this site is not what it used to be. The main reason though and why I’m incurring others to leave is because it’s not safe! Especially for kids. Even if you think you know how to be safe online like i did you don’t realize how unsafe sites like this could be. Not only because you might (you will) stumble on something inappropriate it’s also a good way for creeps and dangerous people online to find you (they could hack into your personal thing like photos, socials and emails, and even potentially find where you live in real life were you go to school etc). I really liked flipanim I liked sharing art and seeing others, and being able to interact with people. So I wouldn’t have wanted to leave and feel like I lost being able to interact with people like me. But as I used it less and less I wish i had not found it. I know it’s hard but try to connect with people you actually know, and stay safe!💕
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